I once had a yoga teacher who, in the middle of some funny head stand would postulate on the mysteries of the universe. The yoga studio was above some storefronts, but once you were up the rickety, colourful stairs it was a whole different world. It was dimly lit and sweet smelling. Every corner of the room was piled high with crocheted afghans and yoga mats.
My mother and I were the only customers who seemed to visit. I’m not really sure why–it was a fabulous spot. Although I live too far away to visit now (does it even exist anymore?), I think about the yoga lady (whose name I have forgotten) sometimes. It was something that she said to me on the last day we visited:
“You have to send good thoughts out there into the universe and good things will come back to you.”
Okay, I know it sounds a little strange, but I think that there is value in thinking this way. If you focus your energy on positive things then it is easier to do what you need or want to do. So in the spirit of the season and the mysterious yoga lady, I’m sending lots of good thoughts into the universe.
I’m trusting that in return, I won’t get underpants in my stocking this year. But who knows? It’s up to the universe to decide.